Thursday, May 24, 2012

Everything Is Fine.

#20: Everything Is Fine by Ann Dee Ellis

Turns out this book is another super quick read, and I liked this one even more than TIWID. A solid four stars.

In a style choice similar to that of TIWID, Ellis sets up this story with a young adolescent protagonist (Mazeline aka Mazzy) who is slogging through the aftermath of a traumatic event. This time, however, The Event is not as shrouded in mystery, and you don't have to go very many pages in before you can surmise that Mazzy had a younger sister, Olivia, who recently died. While the specific details surrounding her death aren't given until closer to the end, I quite liked that there wasn't a Huge Mystery looming over me the entire time. I could understand more of the behaviors of the central characters instead of just thinking they were lazy and neglectful individuals.

Mazzy has a lot of quirks and just plain odd behaviors, but she still seemed authentic to me. The book doesn't give her an exact age, but my guess is around 13. I can definitely see a 13-year-old, particularly one who has been dealing with the things Mazzy has been dealing with, acting like she does.

If you are looking for a quick read, pick this one up. I'd recommend it over TIWID, though I know other readers would say the opposite. I think the most common criticism I'v seen about this book is that it's not realistic, but I disagree. Things can get a little crazy when a family faces a tragedy like the one at the center of this book. Grief can turn a world upside down. There isn't always an easy solution. There is not always a hero who comes in and saves the day. People, even parents who are supposed to be responsible and capable, make poor choices. Sometimes they let themselves slip away from the people they love and the children they should be watching over. Sometimes even friends and neighbors drop the ball.

And with this, I'm finally kind of caught up on my reading. In order to stay caught up, I'll have to read another book before Saturday... which isn't likely. But I'll enjoy the moment.

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