Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Prisoner of Heaven-- #35

The Prisoner of Heaven (TPOH) is the third (and I believe final) installment in the story that started with The Shadow of the Wind (TSOTW), by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, which I reviewed earlier this year. TSOTW was followed by The Angel's Game (TAG), reviewed here.

TPOH is much shorter than the first two books. It mainly focuses on revealing the history of one of the main characters of TSOTW, Fermin Romero de Torres. Fermin's sordid history is only hinted at in TSOTW, so it was really nice to finally know more about what made him such an intriguing character. Fermin is also intertwined with Isabella, a main character from TAG, so this installment helps round out what we know about her, as well. And of course, The Cemetery of Forgotten Books makes an appearance, although it is not until the very end.

This book was a pleasant and engaging read. I'd put it probably close to the level of TAG, and give it a good 3.5 stars. TSOTW set the bar so high that pretty much nothing else Zafon writes is going to compare, but I'm glad he went ahead and added the two subsequent books. Reading this one reminded me how much I want to go back and re-read TSOTW.

I wasn't particularly ecstatic about how Zafon chose to end this story in the epilogue. The end of the book itself seemed to hint that all was well with everyone, a nice resolution. It wasn't sugar-coated or unrealistic, it had just wrapped things up pretty darn well. But then the epilogue came along and strongly hinted that more adventures in violence and revenge were ahead. I don't necessarily think that Zafon is going to write more to the story; I just think for some reason he wanted to leave it on that note. Which I could have done without.

Anyway, I stand by my recommendation last time-- if you read any of the books, read The Shadow of the Wind. If you love it as much as I did, you'll probably seek out and read the next two. That is all.

What are all of you reading? Anything? Anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I swear I've been reading, but with the move and such it's been less than usual. I recently read Housekeeping at Melanie's suggestion and I've been reading various spooky books in honor of Halloween, Rosemary's Baby and The Haunting of Hill House among others. I'm having a hard time settling into another longer book. There's so little time to sit quietly with an Eli who must climb me like a junglegym any time I'm sitting on the couch. Keep up the good work, Meg! You're in the home stretch.
